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Richard Henry at the Machinery Shed
A trip to the Zoo 1959 Back - David Cadwallader, Barry Denis, Richard Henry, Ian Duffey. Front - Robert Fryer, David Sandoe.
This page was last updated: December 10, 2017
Carlingford Junior Farmers Club consisted mainly of future JR pupils.
Each year the club competed with Epping JFC by staging a display at the Castle Hill Show - 1957.
The building in the background is the original classroom block - now replaced by a new fangled building.
Adams Hotel, Sydney probably 1962. From L to R - James Smith, Mr J Moore, Adrian Lynch, Tony Brownhill, Uldis Dzintas, Curtis Hill, Byron Sharpe and Alan Bell.
Richard Henry leading the 1961 cadet passing out parade.
1960, 4th Year showing keen interest, Colin Mew in particular, in the finer points of the Massey Ferguson. Although, Ian Lloyd-Jones appears to be more interested in the photographer.
The Junior Farmers organisation ran regular field days at the weekend. This one was to a poultry farm on the historic property, "Fernhill" at Mulgoa. We also had a tour of the old colonial hause. One Junior Farmer is wearing a JR blazer. My dad is in the photo (he was then younger than I am now). Kevin Swann
An early meeting of the School Council.
Ed Roche, Ray Gall, Barry Denis, Ian Lloyd-Jones.
HMAS Cresswell 1961.
Kevin Swann, Curtis Hill, Geoff Peattie.
HMAS Cresswell 1961. Curtis Hill, Geoff Peatie, Barry Denis, Kevin Swann.
Geoff Peatie
1958 or 1959
John Bush,
David Cadwalladar,
Chris Beard,
Barry Denis.
Gesta Non Verba Deeds not words
David Sandoe, Gordon Kimpton, Ian Lloyd-Jones (at a field day excursion)
JRAHS Pupils on a visit to to Yanco Agricultural College and Research Centre.