
James Ruse Adricultural High School Pioneers Inc.
Gesta Non Verba {Deeds Not Words}
This page was last updated: April 11, 2018
1958 School Lapel Badge
In 1959 the "Junior" was dropped when the school became a full High School.

(Some pupils removed the word from their blazer pocket and some didn't. Careful study of the 1959 class photos shows this.)
1960 School Badge
1960 James Ruse AHS Blazer Pocket
The original school crest was was designed by a senior pupil in 1957, the result of a competition run within the school.
The Old Boys "Rams Head" Lapel Badge
1950's & 1960's
Junior Farmers Badge.
1961 Letterhead.
Crest found on cover of JRAHS Prospectus
1961 Banner
Amazingly, the original 1957 winning entry has survived and it is published above for the first time.

The winning design was created by Mal Stanger with (Mal insists) help from his mum, Laura Ruth Stanger (known as Ruth).

Mal has kept his original drawing for 55 years alongside a second entry of his (a variation on the winning entry).

Mal remembers the prize in both competions was ten pounds.

Mal Stanger was one of the original pupils to walk down to the new school in 1956 and interestingly, Mal (and his mum) also won first prize for designing the Normanhurst Boys High School Crest. Although Mal had no connection with NBHS he heard about their crest competition from NBHS boys who lived near his home in Beecroft.